Thursday, February 1, 2007

Toll going up and up and away...

Eversince the toll hike on Jan 1, the traffic passing through my housing estate in Cheras, seems to be heavier than the previous year. What used to take me an hour to get to my office in PJ, now takes me an extra half an hour.

I used to leave at 7.30am to 7.45am and reach my office before 8.30am, now I am starting out at 6.30am to 6.45am, and I get to reach my office in about an hour's time. It seems people are getting up and leaving for work/school earlier to avoid the traffic jams.

Are our government for real?

First, they get into a dumb contract with the toll operators. Anyone with a sane mind would not get into a contract where if the other party were to make a loss, they would have to compensate the other party. Man, I would love to be the other party. Why work so hard to make profit, the government will make up the difference!

Second, they refuse to release details of the dumb contract. I would love to know which ministry and lawyers acted on the government's behalf to come up with the contract. And our government can approve such a deal??? I just think the government is trying to save face and someone's backside by not disclosing the contract. They will look so naive and stupid to agreeing to such a contract.

Third, DBKL is looking to impose a 'toll' to enter congested areas in KL. I wonder would this study be any different from a much earlier plan suggested long, long, time ago (it seems ancient now). Will this plan succeed? I doubt very much. Why? Because Malaysia Tak Boleh. The LRT does not cover major business areas and sardine-packed during peak hours. Our RapidKL is only rapid when serving the outskirts of KL. By the way, congestion toll money goes to which ministry? DBKL (Dewan Bandaraya kurang layak) does not deserve these monies. For all you know, they will be changing the lamp posts around the city instead of solving the congestions.

"There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all."
- Peter Drucker -

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